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  • 07/08/18

    Belong to Jesus

    Belonging to Jesus drastically changes lives! In this study of Luke 19:1-10, we meet Zacchaeus, the rich, powerful tax ...

    Adam Romans
  • 07/01/18

    Citizenship, Part Two

    By birth or naturalization, Christians are the citizens of many nations and are obligated to submit to the authorities that ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 07/01/18

    Citizenship, Part One

    As citizens of heaven, Christians should be exemplary earthly citizens, engaging meaningfully in the privileges and responsibilities of dual citizenship ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 06/24/18

    A Tale of Two Loves

    Love for God and love for the world--as corrupted by sin and in rebellion against God--are mutually exclusive. Christians face ...

    Eric Pollitz
  • 06/24/18

    The Cross Shaped Life

    What shapes the way we live? As followers of Christ, our lives should be shaped first and foremost by the ...

    Nick Spurgeon
  • 06/17/18

    Be Strong, Stand Firm

    Defeated but not yet destroyed, Satan is still working to spoil the relationships and the righteousness of God’s children. Writing ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 06/10/18

    A Call to Battle

    At the end of his letter to the Ephesians, Paul called his readers to arms against the devil. This conclusion ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 06/03/18

    The Surprise of Grace

    When Peter asks Jesus what the disciples will receive for following Him, Jesus responds with a parable about laborers in ...

    Matt Ross
  • 05/27/18


    The author of Ecclesiastes examined the dead-end streets that men and women travel, exposing the futility of a world without ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 05/20/18

    Spiritual Warfare, Part One

    Jesus secured salvation for all believers when He defeated Satan at the cross. Until Christ returns, however, spiritual warfare rages ...

    Alistair Begg