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  • 10/19/14

    Hope Again

    When circumstances are difficult and there is no end in sight, where can God's people turn for hope? The ...

    Scott Kennedy
  • 10/19/14

    Into Hardship for Good

    What is the source of life? In Exodus 16 the Israelites grumbled against God, revealing that they saw bread as ...

    Dan Southam
  • 10/12/14

    Keep On!

    Anything “new” can seem very appealing. However, as the Apostle Paul cautioned his young protégé Timothy, our belief and teaching must always ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 10/05/14

    Healing at Bethesda

    When faced with life's difficulties, where do we look for solutions? The disabled man in John 5 was so ...

    Mike Willmer
  • 09/28/14

    Show Hospitality to One Another without Grumbling

    Hospitality can be daunting because it challenges our priorities, our schedules, and our isolation. But the Bible tells us that ...

    Matt McAlvey
  • 09/28/14

    The Persecuted Church

    Whether it is the overt hostility faced by Christians in other parts of the world or subtle clashes with our ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 09/21/14

    Bad Men, Weak Women

    Every generation of Christians deals with false teachers – people who wear a mask of godliness to hide a sinful ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 09/14/14

    Times of Difficulty

    At the start of the third chapter of his second letter to Timothy, Paul warned this young pastor about difficulties ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 09/07/14

    Living in Light of Christ

    Because we are made in the image of God, it is natural that we long to see justice. Instead of ...

    Mickey Aquilino
  • 09/07/14

    One Another: By Kindheartedly Forgiving One Another

    Peter's offer to forgive others "seven times" more than doubled the acceptable norm in their society. So when Jesus ...

    Matt McAlvey