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A Mountain of Holiness, a Kingdom of Worship
Understanding the holiness of God is comfort for the believer, but a warning for those who do not listen to ...
Dan Schillero -
Words for the Weary
The race of faith isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. Christians are called to endure and not lose heart, even ...
Dan Schillero -
By Faith
What do you reflexively reach for when life throws you off-balance? In this study of Hebrews 11:1–12:2, we ...
Dan Schillero -
An Invitation to Endure
God’s holiness required separation from sin, limiting access to only the high priest. What once was an impassable restriction to ...
Dan Schillero -
A Superlative Sacrfice
“It is finished!” Jesus uttered these words just before His death—and the temple curtain was torn in two. This ...
Dan Schillero -
Perfect Sacrifice of a Better Covenant — Part Two
Nick Spurgeon -
Perfect Sacrifice of a Better Covenant — Part One
Christ is the all-sufficient sacrifice. Old Testament law provided a system of repeated sacrifices. Offered through high priests, these sacrifices ...
Nick Spurgeon