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Refuge in Him
While David was called a man after God’s own heart, he was neither a perfect man nor a perfect king ...
Alistair Begg -
David's Song of Salvation
Our lives are not a series of haphazard events. Rather, God is sovereign over every detail. In 2 Samuel 22 ...
Alistair Begg -
God is Light
Anyone reading 1 John 1:5-2:2 must wrestle with two questions: 1) who is God? and 2) who is ...
Jon Cameron -
Truth and Assurance
Is it possible to know assurance in our relationship with God? Early believers struggled, like us, to find assurance in ...
Jon Cameron -
The Posture of Christian Discipleship
Who is the greatest? That’s what the disciples wanted to know as they followed Jesus into Capernaum. What they learn ...
Mac Matthews -
You are Not Great, God is Great
The Israelites of Isaiah’s day were materially wealthy yet spiritually impoverished. They were filled with big thoughts of themselves and ...
Mac Matthews