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The Anchor of Our Assurance
In Romans 8, Paul presents the astounding truth at the heart of the gospel—God is for us. For the believer ...
Nick Spurgeon -
There Is a Higher Throne
Dan Schillero -
The Priority of Knowing God
As sin led more and more to the destruction of Israel, Jeremiah mourned the state of God’s people. He accused ...
Matt Ross -
A Famine of Hearing
God desires to speak to his people and he uses his Word to reveal to us his very nature. In ...
Mickey Aquilino -
The Plumb Line
Through the prophet Amos, God warned his people that they were ignoring the covenant he had made with them and ...
Mickey Aquilino -
Historical Theology
Over five hundred years ago, Christianity was buried under layers of superstition, immorality, and biblical illiteracy—yet questions about life and ...
Alistair Begg