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Drawing Near to the Lord
Though it sometimes seems foreign or archaic, the book of Leviticus is critical to our understanding of the gospel. Leviticus ...
Jonathan Holmes -
Portraits of a Shepherd
What is a good shepherd? Ezekiel 34 describes a shepherd who exploits, neglects, and takes from his sheep. 1 Peter ...
Dan Schillero -
Waiting on God Alone
Waiting is often an uncomfortable part of the human experience, yet in the midst of affliction, David penned Psalm 62—emphasizing ...
Matt Ross -
The Church in the Last Days — Part One
What are the characteristics of the church in these last days? In his first epistle, Peter instructs the church to ...
Nick Spurgeon -
The Church in the Last Days — Part Two
Nick Spurgeon -
A Model for Shepherd Leadership
During his missionary journey throughout Macedonia and Greece, Paul gives a charge to the elders of the Church in Ephesus ...
Dan Schillero -
The Power of the Cross
In his letter to the Corinthian church, Paul explains that the countercultural message of the cross is foolishness to those ...
Dan Schillero