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Gospel Crisis, Gospel Clarity
Popular false teaching led Paul to summarize the gospel in his letter to the Galatians—no one is justified by works ...
Dan Schillero -
The Curse of the Cross
Dan Schillero -
In the opening of 1 Peter, believers are called to a life of holiness, but rather than holiness, the law ...
Nick Spurgeon -
Majesty Made Known
Though he is perfect and sufficient in and of himself, God chose to redeem weak and sinful people—not because he ...
Nick Spurgeon -
Magnify the Lord With Me
To live a righteous and holy life is to be met with many afflictions. Psalm 34 explains that no matter ...
Matt Ross -
Preparing for the Inheritance
Before God allowed the Israelites to enter the Promised Land, in Joshua 5, he commanded Joshua to circumcise the sons ...
Samuel Sanya -
I Am Praying for Them
If Jesus offered to pray on your behalf, what would you ask Him to pray for? In His High Priestly ...
Alistair Begg -
They Have Kept Your Word
Just hours from the agony of Calvary, Jesus prayed to His Father in front of His disciples. In this message ...
Alistair Begg -
Before the World Existed
In His High Priestly Prayer, recorded in John 17, Jesus prayed for Himself and all His followers—including believers today. Alistair ...
Alistair Begg -
"The Hour Has Come"
When “the hour had come” for the fulfillment of Jesus’ earthly ministry, He turned to God the Father in prayer ...
Alistair Begg