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  • 08/31/14

    Steadfast Love and Future Hope

    Mike Willmer
  • 08/24/14


    When faced with temptation, we naturally want to avoid the external things that are the occasion for our sin. This ...

    Jon Cameron
  • 08/24/14

    Experiencing the Fullness of the Church

    As we're busy participating in Christian activities and ministries, sometimes it's good to take a step back and ...

    Dan Southam
  • 08/17/14

    Crying Out to a Silent God

    Sometimes God seems silent and far away. Psalm 88 records an example of one man's experience of this kind ...

    Dan Larison
  • 08/17/14

    Not Why, Who

    The Old Testament book of Job chronicles the trials and suffering of a godly man. As the book draws to ...

    Jonathan Holmes
  • 08/10/14

    The Lord's Servant

    When interacting with others, Christian leaders – and the rest of us – may be tempted to quarrel over points ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 08/03/14

    A Consecrated Life

    When we consider what it might look like to live a life that is committed to the cause of the ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 08/03/14

    Useful to the Master

    Christians often talk about being “used by God,” but what does that look like in daily life? Using Paul’s ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 07/27/14

    An Unashamed Worker

    Pastors face constant pressure to swerve from the clear truths of the Gospel and to pursue the approval of others ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 07/27/14

    Pastor and People

    What does a healthy church look like?  In 2 Timothy 2:14-19, we learn that one distinguishing mark is ...

    Alistair Begg