God's Unlikely Messenger
Through spies, lies, and a not-so-secret mission, Joshua chapter 2 tells of how God was preparing to reestablish His Kingdom in the land He promised the Israelites. Enlisting a surprising messenger, God reminded the Israelites that He can and will keep His promises, His covenant is for all nations, and His covenant is ultimately one of grace. This narrative provides an overwhelming picture of our sinfulness and God’s great kindness in sending Christ to rescue us from guilt and sin.
Recent Sermons
Waiting on God Alone
Waiting is often an uncomfortable part of the human experience, yet in the midst of affliction, David penned Psalm 62—emphasizing ...
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The Church in the Last Days — Part One
What are the characteristics of the church in these last days? In his first epistle, Peter instructs the church to ...
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The Church in the Last Days — Part Two
Nick Spurgeon