The Good Deposit
In his last letter to his protege, the Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to guard the "good deposit" of the Gospel message. Alistair Begg explains that the challenges and encouragements they faced are not unlike those faced by Christian leaders today. In the midst of pressure to conform to a secular culture and opposition from some who should be friends, there will also be loving support from believers who remain faithful and active in supporting Gospel ministry.
Recent Sermons
What's in a Name?
When Jesus concluded His High Priestly Prayer saying that He had made the name of the Lord known to His ...
Alistair Begg
Drawing Near to the Lord
Though it sometimes seems foreign or archaic, the book of Leviticus is critical to our understanding of the gospel. Leviticus ...
Jonathan Holmes
Portraits of a Shepherd
What is a good shepherd? Ezekiel 34 describes a shepherd who exploits, neglects, and takes from his sheep. 1 Peter ...
Dan Schillero