The Greatest Prayer of All Time
The Gospel according to John contains the precious words commonly referred to as the “High Priestly Prayer.” Following Christ’s last instructions to the Twelve Apostles and leading up to the hour of His crucifixion, Jesus centers His prayer around three themes: His own glorification, His disciples’ sanctification, and the Church’s unification. His prayer continues to be sweet to believers today, for not only does it reveal the matters of utmost importance to the Savior in the moments before His death, but His requests—made known to and guaranteed by His Father—contain promises to all who belong to Him.
Recent Sermons
Resisting the Devil
Scripture is clear that we will face hardship in this life. 1 Peter 5 calls believers to resist the evil ...
Nick Spurgeon
Engaging with God
In his letter to exiled Christians, Peter gives us a glimpse of how we are to walk with God through ...
Nick Spurgeon
The Sinner Seeking Savior
Through the story of Zacchaeus, as recounted in Luke’s gospel, we see a picture of God’s sovereign grace and effectual ...
Dan Schillero