If the World Hates You...
Hearing and believing Christ’s words radically changed His disciples—which provoked the surrounding culture’s hostility. Alistair Begg explains that the unbelieving world hates biblical truth and Christlike living because they expose humanity’s lostness, immorality, and need of a Savior. Ultimately, Christian conviction ignites a life of conflict, because the same grace that reconciles us to God antagonizes us to the Evil One. Yet Jesus prayed not for God to remove believers from the world but to keep us from evil as we remain in the battle.
Recent Sermons
Growing in Godliness
Because we have been called by God, we have been granted all things in Christ that pertain to life and ...
Matt Ross
Privileges, Power, and Promises
In the opening of his second letter, Peter reminds believers of the blessings we have in Christ. Through the gospel ...
Matt Ross
Him We Proclaim
Many Christians and churches today have bowed to societal pressures to be more tolerant and less exclusive in their claims ...
Samuel Sanya