Learn From Me
By nature, men and women act self-reliant, often burdened by the futility of trying to make sense of their existence or attempting to please God through self-effort. Jesus invites all sinners to come and find rest in Him. While His call is universal, it’s also very personal. Those who accept His invitation are expected to learn from Him. Encouraging us to become Christ’s pupils, Alistair Begg considers who Jesus is, what He does for believers, and what He’s like as a teacher.
Recent Sermons
Shall I Not Drink the Cup?
In Gethsemane, Peter disobediently cut off the ear of Malchus, one of the soldiers sent to arrest Jesus. After healing ...
Alistair Begg
What's in a Name — Part Two
In the concluding phrase of His High Priestly Prayer in John 17, Jesus speaks of God’s love, praying that the ...
Alistair Begg
What's in a Name?
When Jesus concluded His High Priestly Prayer saying that He had made the name of the Lord known to His ...
Alistair Begg