Of Paradoxes, Prizes, and Pathologies
In his opening chapter, James presents his readers with two different paths when faced with trials and temptations: 1) stay steadfast and persevere in the Lord or 2) be lured into sin, which causes death. This sermon focuses specifically on James 1:9-15 and highlights the paradox between the boasts of the poor and the rich, reminding us that for believers our only boast is in Christ. In addition, James highlights the sinful pathology of our hearts and directs our eyes to the prize for our perseverance: the crown of life.
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Scripture is clear that we will face hardship in this life. 1 Peter 5 calls believers to resist the evil ...
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Engaging with God
In his letter to exiled Christians, Peter gives us a glimpse of how we are to walk with God through ...
Nick Spurgeon
The Sinner Seeking Savior
Through the story of Zacchaeus, as recounted in Luke’s gospel, we see a picture of God’s sovereign grace and effectual ...
Dan Schillero