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The Tables Are Turned
When the anticipated day of conflict arrived the Jews arose to defend themselves throughout the Persian empire. In this study ...
Alistair Begg -
A Call For Thankfulness
It's not uncommon to hear people challenge themselves to "be more thankful." For the Christian, a grateful heart ...
Alistair Begg -
Celebration Time
As we move into Esther 8, the situation has yet to be resolved: though justice has prevailed over Haman, his ...
Alistair Begg -
Haman Is Hanged!
Queen Esther hosts her second banquet for the king and Haman, and the time has come for her to reveal ...
Alistair Begg -
The Unseen Hand of God
Are there details too small for God to care about? Because He is all-knowing, does that mean He's always ...
Alistair Begg -
Thoughts on Voting
Alistair Begg