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Drawing Near to the Lord
Though it sometimes seems foreign or archaic, the book of Leviticus is critical to our understanding of the gospel. Leviticus ...
Jonathan Holmes -
When the Going Gets Tough
In Psalm 31, David cried out to God for mercy. He was honest about his need, but he also acknowledged ...
Jonathan Holmes -
Of Paradoxes, Prizes, and Pathologies
In his opening chapter, James presents his readers with two different paths when faced with trials and temptations: 1) stay ...
Jonathan Holmes -
Wisdom from Above for Trials Below
As believers, we are to be characterized by joy, even in the midst of various trials. Our joy is not ...
Jonathan Holmes -
Why Are You So Angry?
Why was Jonah so angry when the Ninevites came to faith? Wasn’t that the purpose of his mission? While enjoying ...
Jonathan Holmes -
Waiting in the Age of Anxiety
Sometimes life is hard and confusing! In our struggle to make sense of a difficult situation, we may question God’s ...
Jonathan Holmes -
Staying Awake for What?
Warnings to stay awake, be on guard, and be prepared abound in both the Old and New Testaments of the ...
Jonathan Holmes -
The Gospel to a Pharisee
Many of history’s most significant events can be traced back to a single turning point. The book of Acts gives ...
Jonathan Holmes -
The Gospel to the African
When Philip encountered the Ethiopian eunuch, the man was reading a portion of Scripture he could not understand. Philip seized ...
Jonathan Holmes -
The Gospel to a Magician
Acts 8 records the apparent conversion of Simon, a magician whose power garnered him popularity and renown. Not much time ...
Jonathan Holmes