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When the Going Gets Hard
How can someone be in the right before God? Job asked this surprising question when dealing with the death of ...
Jonathan Holmes -
Everybody Worships
Everyone worships something, but genuine Christian worship is grounded in the mercy of God. Paul's exhortation in Romans 12 ...
Jonathan Holmes -
Of Loneliness and Job
The Old Testament book of Job presents a classic picture of human suffering. Though his friends came to comfort him ...
Jonathan Holmes -
Living Wisely Because of Grace
No matter what relationships we find ourselves in, we can be sure that we will experience conflict along the way ...
Jonathan Holmes -
Not Why, Who
The Old Testament book of Job chronicles the trials and suffering of a godly man. As the book draws to ...
Jonathan Holmes -
A Lesson in Talking to Yourself
During the course of each day, what we direct our attention to will affect the way we "talk" to ourselves ...
Jonathan Holmes -
The Suffering Servant
Among the Old Testament Messianic prophecies, one of the most familiar is the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 52-53. This study ...
Jonathan Holmes