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When Almighty God speaks to creatures he has made, the only fitting response is to listen. In Deuteronomy 18, God ...
Mac Matthews -
Do Not Forget the One Who Set You Free
In the second half of Deuteronomy 6, Moses warns against the pitfalls that deter believers from living the life God ...
Mac Matthews -
I Was Made to Love Him
In Deuteronomy 6, Moses gives the Israelites the greatest commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your ...
Mac Matthews -
Come All You Unfaithful
In Isaiah 55, sinners are invited to draw near to God because the “suffering servant” has paved the way. The ...
Mac Matthews -
Jesus as the Only Hope for a Dying World
Like the ocean’s tide, death comes slowly but cannot be stopped. In John’s Gospel, the apostle recounts the death of ...
Mac Matthews -
The Posture of Christian Discipleship
Who is the greatest? That’s what the disciples wanted to know as they followed Jesus into Capernaum. What they learn ...
Mac Matthews -
You are Not Great, God is Great
The Israelites of Isaiah’s day were materially wealthy yet spiritually impoverished. They were filled with big thoughts of themselves and ...
Mac Matthews -
Jesus: Greater than Moses
Moses was the Lord’s great prophet and remarkable servant. He faithfully led God’s people and spoke God’s word. But Moses’ ...
Mac Matthews -
The Corporate Task of Endurance
In a world filled with temptation, we must take careful watch that we don't give in to sin. The ...
Mac Matthews -
Jesus: The Great One Who Stoops Low
God gave humans dominion over all of creation; but sin interfered with the fulfillment of His command. In solidarity with ...
Mac Matthews