A Tale of Two Lepers
Naaman was powerful and successful, but he also had an obvious problem: he was a leper. In providing the means for Naaman to be healed, God also demonstrated Naaman's spiritual problem in a way that highlighted that God's transforming work is all grace. In the Gospel, God bids both the spiritually uninterested and those who are religious, but self-righteous, to come to Him by grace.
Recent Sermons
Resisting the Devil
Scripture is clear that we will face hardship in this life. 1 Peter 5 calls believers to resist the evil ...
Nick Spurgeon
Engaging with God
In his letter to exiled Christians, Peter gives us a glimpse of how we are to walk with God through ...
Nick Spurgeon
The Sinner Seeking Savior
Through the story of Zacchaeus, as recounted in Luke’s gospel, we see a picture of God’s sovereign grace and effectual ...
Dan Schillero