If you are searching for a home church or just beginning to consider the claims of Christ, we hope you’ll join us this Sunday to sing, pray, and study the Bible.
The Parkside Insider: December 15, 2023An Update from Andrew & Angie James
Dear Parkside Family,
We wanted to give a brief update on life and ministry in Uruguay. During the past year, we’ve faced a couple important transitions. The first had to do with the schooling situation for our oldest daughter, Nicole. Schools in Uruguay are divided in two segments of six years, and Nicole had to transfer to a new school at the beginning of this year. The new school was in a different part of town, which meant that she couldn’t move up with any of her friends.
Knowing our daughter, we imagined the transition would be hard, but we didn’t fully anticipate how hard it would be. During the first few months, Nicole really struggled—both because she was having a hard time fitting in and because of her new schedule, as she was spending less time with us. Thankfully, though the transition was hard at first, Nicole started to process the situation in a new light and eventually began making some new friends. Now, she is doing much better.
A multitude often gathered to hear Jesus preach. Some enjoyed the miracles and being part of the crowd. They were attracted to what Jesus could give them—but soon they opposed what his teaching demanded and deserted him. Turning to the end of John 6, Alistair Begg explores the crowd’s reaction, Christ’s explanation for it, and the apostle Peter’s subsequent declaration. At some point, everyone who hears Jesus’ teaching comes to such a crossroad: we either decide to continue in life without him, or we believe him, submit to him, and find eternal life.
Christmas Benevolence Project Now through
December 31
Share the joy of Christmas with area families in need by purchasing essentials and Christmas gifts. Learn more by picking up a brochure from any info center or by following the link below.
Cancer Support Group
January 7 11:45am | B013 & Online
If your life or that of a loved one has been affected by cancer, join us for a time of sharing, encouragement, and prayer. Email Jim for an online invitation.
Student Winter Retreats Save the Date February 3-4 (HS)
February 10-11 (MS)
Students are headed to Camp Mission Meadows in New York for a weekend of focused time studying God's Word, along with some fun and games! For more information, follow the links below.