Recent Blogposts
2023 Christmas Concert Choir
Plans are underway for the Parkside Christmas Concert Series on Dec 8-10. We are seeking Choir vocalists to participate in the second half of the program. Auditions are not required, but vocalists should be able to sing confidently and joyfully with an ability to blend. Come and join a wonderful time of fun and fellowship as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior and King!
Read more >
2022 Christmas Concert Choir
Preparations are underway for the 2022 Parkside Christmas Concerts on Dec 8-11. We are seeking 56 Choir vocalists to participate in a small choir which will sing in the second half of this program. Vocalists must be able to sing confidently within in a small section. Learn more and register for email updates >
2019 Christmas Concert Rehearsals
Start Time: Thu 26, Sept. 2019, 7 p.m.
End Time: Thu 26, Sept. 2019, 9 p.m.
Christmas Concert Choir Rehearsals for 2019 start September 26 from 7 -9 p.m. in the Parkside Choir room. There is no audition necessary and all are welcome.
Please contact Ruth Juergemeier to receive the Christmas Concert Choir email with all the details. -
Parkside in the Arts
Location: The Auditorium
Start Time: Fri 9, Nov. 2018, 10 p.m.
End Time: Sat 10, Nov. 2018, midnight
Praising Him with Strings and Pipes
On November 9, more than a dozen musicians will be presenting “Parkside in the Arts,” featuring classical chamber music. Performed in small groups, classical chamber music has been referred to as “the music of friends,” and it is this type of friendly musical conversation that a group of our own Parkside musicians would like you to hear. “[It’s nice] whenever you're playing in small groups because it's as if you're having a conversation without words. So the way you look, and the way you gesture, and the way you turn a phrase, is a conversation,” say Alan Harrell, cellist for the Cleveland Orchestra.
Song Spotlight
Over the next few months, we will be learning some new songs. To help you in this process, we’ve listed them here and linked out each one to a place where you can hear it perfomed.
2018 Christmas Concert Rehearsals
Christmas Concert Choir Rehearsals for 2018 start September 20 from 7 -9 p.m. in the Parkside Choir room. Learn more...
2017 Christmas Concert Rehearsals
Christmas Concert Choir Rehearsals for 2017 start September 28 at 7 p.m. in the Parkside Choir room! There is no audition necessary.
Please contact Ruth to receive the Christmas Concert Choir email with all the details.
Christmas Concert Rehearsals
Christmas Concert Choir Rehearsals for 2016 start on Sept. 29 in the Parkside Choir room! There is no audition necessary.
Please contact Sandy Mansell (440-708-2108) in the church office to receive the Christmas Concert Choir email with all the details.