Parkside in the Arts
Location: The Auditorium
Start Time: Fri 9, Nov. 2018, 10 p.m.
End Time: Sat 10, Nov. 2018, midnight
Kallen Bierly and Alan Harrell at an impromptu practice in Parkside Church’s auditorium.
Praising Him with Strings and Pipes
On November 9, more than a dozen musicians will be presenting “Parkside in the Arts,” featuring classical chamber music. Performed in small groups, chamber music has been referred to as “the music of friends,” and it is this type of friendly musical conversation that a group of our own Parkside musicians would like you to hear. “[It’s nice] whenever you're playing in small groups because it's as if you're having a conversation without words. So the way you look, and the way you gesture, and the way you turn a phrase, is a conversation,” say Alan Harrell, cellist for the Cleveland Orchestra.
Featuring Kallen Bierly, program organizer and a violinist for the Akron Symphony Orchestra, among others, the evening is a great opportunity to hear a free classical music concert performed by local musicians. All of the performers either play professionally or study at the Cleveland Institute of Music. Musicians include: Chris Connors, Andris Connors, Katarina Davies, Anna Gerber, Rachel Lee Hall, Emilie Hsu, Sarah Page, Stephen Tavani, Amanda Tavani, and Samantha Wilson.
“At the end of all his pieces, [Johann Sebastian] Bach would write ‘Soli Deo Gloria’ – to God alone the glory,” says Harrell. “It’s our goal...that God gets the glory in whatever music we’re playing.” And, while Bach isn’t a featured composer for this particular program, there will be works by Mozart, Debussy, Dvorak, and others.
Invite Your Friends
As we think of our unbelieving friends and neighbors, we encourage you to invite them to this special “Parkside in the Arts” on Friday, November 9, at 7pm. The concert is free, no reservations are needed, and children are welcome to attend.