The Parking Crew observes and directs the flow of traffic onto, within, and away from the church property. Individuals serve on a team about once a month on Sundays.
Guidelines to Serve:
1) Who: Men and women who are either a member of Parkside Church or attend regularly can apply. Applicants must be at least in their teens with a valid driver’s license. You must be responsible, reliable, and willing to serve in all kinds of weather.
2) When: The Parking Crew is made up of four teams of four people each. A crew is scheduled to work one Sunday out of four—or roughly one Sunday each month—and only during the morning services. Each crew is assisted by a Bainbridge Police Officer. Special event days or holidays that fall on a Sunday are handled on a volunteer basis.
3) Where: The duties of the crew are primarily in the parking lot, although we may be asked to assist in the building in the case of emergencies or as our help is needed.
4) How: The Parking Crew operates with Jesus Christ as our Lord, the bylaws of the church as our positional directive, and an approach to each Sunday working with creativity, punctuality, and friendliness. It is our goal to provide a smooth, effective flow of traffic within the church boundaries and to provide a visual “hello” to everyone coming to our church.
To get involved, please contact Mike Jantoka via 216-475-1519 or fill out the volunteer form.