What To Expect
What to Expect
Our church family is comprised of young and old with a mixture of many ethnic backgrounds. Dress tends to be business-casual, but there is always a mixture of ties and blue jeans. We have two identical morning worship services with a different evening service every Sunday. A variety of classes are offered for children and adults during our morning services. We also provide nursery care for infants through toddlers in selected services.
Sunday Morning
Services (9am, 10:30am)
Services are one hour in length with twenty-five minutes of praise and prayer and thirty-five minutes of preaching. A member of our pastoral team will lead the time of worship that includes singing, reading of the Scripture, prayer, and giving of our financial resources. Our music is a blend of old and new and we use a variety of instruments to aid us in our praise of God. We aim to sing songs that turn us toward God, are full of theological truth, and exalt Jesus Christ.
Another member of our pastoral team is responsible for the preaching of the Bible. We have a practice of teaching through a book of the Bible from beginning to end by examining the original meaning of the text and how it applies in our lives today.
At the conclusion of our time, we encourage individuals to enjoy conversation and a cup of coffee in a large room that we call the Commons. This room has many comfortable seating areas adjacent to our bookstore and café.
Sunday Evening
Service (6:00pm)
Our Sunday evening services tend to be more casual than our Sunday morning times together. They are an opportunity to worship with music and a message that are different from the morning services. It is also during these church family times that we share in communion and the baptism of professing Christians. It is a wonderful way to end our day of praise in the company of God's people.