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Summary: On September 8, 2024, Alistair Begg announced to the congregation of Parkside Church that he will be concluding his time as senior pastor in September of 2025. He will continue his pastoral and ministry work at Truth For Life. Alistair informed the Parkside Elders about his decision in August of 2024, and the Elders will nominate a candidate for senior pastor in the year ahead.

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Will Alistair continue to preach throughout this upcoming year?

Yes. Alistair will continue to preach at Parkside throughout this year as well as fulfill his speaking commitments 
elsewhere. You can find the list of his upcoming dates at

Is Alistair in good health?
Yes. Alistair is in excellent health.

Will Alistair continue his work with Truth For Life?
Yes. Alistair is concluding only his responsibilities as senior pastor of Parkside Church. He has plans to continue his 
pastoral and ministry work through Truth For Life.

Will Alistair be leaving the area?
No. He has no plans to relocate.

What is Parkside’s process for finding a new senior pastor?
The Elders are praying and deliberating regarding the selection of a new senior pastor. As outlined in our church 
constitution, the Elders will nominate a candidate for senior pastor in the year ahead. After which, the Members of Parkside Church will vote on the nominee.

How can you best support Parkside?
Your prayers are most helpful to us during this season of transition.

We ask for your prayers for Parkside Church; for Alistair, Susan, and family throughout this year and beyond; for the Elders, pastors, and staff at Parkside; for the next senior pastor of Parkside and for a smooth and happy transition of the baton of responsibility from Alistair’s hand to his. Most importantly, that the name of the Lord would be glorified and Jesus proclaimed.