

February 2015

Calendar of Events

  • Jan

    7SR 2015

    10:45 a.m.— 7 p.m.

    A winter retreat for high school students including: indoor/outdoor fun on Saturday, overnight accommodations at Laurel Mountain Christian Camp, and tubing/skiing/snowboarding adventures on Sunday.

  • Feb

    Sunday Morning Groups

    9 a.m.

    Our Sunday morning groups are an opportunity to learn and fellowship together with a smaller group of people from various life stages. Each group is taught by a member of our pastoral team.

  • Feb

    Children's Choir Rehearsals

    9 a.m.— 9:30 a.m.

    Rehearsals for the children's choir are every Sunday morning at 9:00am in room CW 043.

  • Feb


    9:45 a.m.— 11 a.m.

    Sunday morning large group gathering for middle school students

  • Feb

    Cancer Support Group

    11:15 a.m.— 12:15 p.m.

    If your life or that of a loved one has been affected by cancer, please join us for a time of encouragement and and prayer.

  • Feb

    Children's Music Ministry Family Potluck

    12:30 p.m.— 2:30 p.m.

    The Children's Music Ministry invites anyone interested in having their child(ren) participating in the Children's Choir to join us in the Venue for a potluck. Bring a dish to share and more information on the children's choir will be available at that time.

  • Feb

    Kids of the Kingdom

    6 p.m.— 7 p.m.

    For children age 3 through grade 3, we meet during the evening service in LLCW and learn of Jesus at an age appropriate level while your parents worship.

  • Feb


    7:30 p.m.— 9 p.m.

    High school students eat and hangout at someone's house after evening service

  • Feb

    2015 Men's Winter/Spring Evening Bible Study

    7 p.m.— 9 p.m.

    This winter/spring we will be studying 1st and 2nd Thessalonians. This Bible study consists of a large teaching time followed by breakouts into small groups for discussion, prayer and fellowship. You can register online or the first evening you attend class. Study guides will be available the first night of study.

  • Feb

    Aurora Coffee Connection

    7 a.m.—

    Aurora students - Wake up, come connect with friends over coffee, go to school.

  • Feb

    Powerhouse Groups

    7 p.m.— 9 p.m.

    Middle school students meet in small groups according to gender and grade in local homes.

  • Feb

    2015 Women's Winter/Spring Evening Study

    7 p.m.— 9 p.m.

    We will be studying 1st and 2nd Thessalonians in the Venue from 7-9pm. This study begins with a large teaching time followed by breakouts into small groups for discussion, prayer and fellowship. You can register on-line or the first evening you start class. Study guides will be available the first night of class.

  • Feb

    Transit Young Adults Group

    7:30 p.m.— 9 p.m.

    Parkside's Transit ministry is designed for young adults, single or married, ages 22-35. We offer a smaller-scale, mid-week, age-targeted contemporary worship event on Wednesday evenings, 7:30pm, at the Loft.

  • Feb

    2015 Men's Winter/Spring Morning Bible Study

    6:30 a.m.— 9:30 a.m.

    Start your day in God's Word studying 1st and 2nd Thessalonians before heading off to work. We will meet in the Venue from 6:30-7:30 and a continental breakfast will be available. You can register on-line or the first morning you attend the study.

  • Feb

    2015 Women's Winter/Spring Morning Bible Study

    9:30 a.m.— 11:30 a.m.

    The morning women's study begins with a large teaching time followed by breakouts into small groups for discussion, prayer and fellowship. We will be studying 1st and 2nd Thessalonians and childcare is provided for children from birth though age 5. We ask that you sign up for a childcare slot if you will be utilizing childcare. There is also a home school program for Mom's registered in the study.

  • Feb

    Single Moms' 2015 Winter Session

    6:30 p.m.— 8:30 p.m.

    The group will meet every Thursday evening for eight weeks and will be using the book/DVD series titled,

  • Feb

    Student Life Groups

    7 p.m.— 9 p.m.

    High school students meet in small groups according to gender and grade in local homes.

  • Feb

    GEO Kidz Mid-Week

    7 p.m.— 8:15 p.m.

    All children (grade 1-5) are encouraged to attend your very own mid-week group that will focus on personal Christian growth, friendship, service outreach and evangelism. We meet every few weeks and learn practical applications taught from the Bible to help us grow in our faith, make friends, serve others and share the gospel message. We have a whole lot of fun too!

  • Feb

    Dealing with Divorce: The Seminar Series

    7 p.m.— 9 p.m.

    Dealing with Divorce will present a seven-week seminar series beginning Thursday, February 5 at 7:00pm. Each week will feature a different divorce-related topic and speaker.

  • Feb

    GEO Nursing Home Visitation

    9 a.m.— 11 a.m.

    We will meet in the LLCW for some donut holes and juice before visiting area nursing home residents.