The Bean Family

The Bean Family


Mark & Patti March-April 2024 Beans'talk

Download the March-April 2024 Beans'talk with photos.

Is your mouse tied up?

Ever been really hungry and not had enough to eat? In Hosea 4:10 the prophet says, “They will eat and still be hungry.” Micah 6:14 has the same warning, “You will eat but never have enough.”

In one Quechua language they imagine hunger pains as a mouse gnawing in the stomach. They have an expression that literally says: You will eat only enough to tie up your mouse. That’s how they say that you will still not be satisfied; it still won’t be enough. A very Quechua way for the prophets to speak!

New video: start and celebration

For those of you who couldn't make it to Peru in person for one of our Bible dedications, we now have a video! In August of 2019, Andy & Ruth made the trip, taking along lots of video equipment. After interviewing us on-camera recently, and with lots of help editing, here’s the result: a ten-minute video that captures the beginning of our work up to the Bible celebrations. Enjoy!

Current work

Mark is still working through the book of Numbers for one Quechua language. He also has the book of 2 Corinthians waiting for him to check in another Quechua language. Additionally, Mark is also setting up a computer program to be able to adapt scripture for four more Quechua languages. Others have submitted a proposal for the languages to be approved as a new cluster project. Mark is beginning to organize data for that.

Greeting you from… Wisconsin!

As we write this, we are finishing up our time in Wisconsin with three supporting churches who have encouraged us and faithfully supported us over the past 40+ years. They started off as just one small church where Mark’s carpool buddy from seminary came to pastor. While our seminary friend moved on, the church grew and grew, eventually starting two daughter churches in nearby towns. It is so special to see old friends and meet new ones, too.

At Kid's Club dressing up kids in Quechua clothes

A special shout out to Toni K. who at 104 still serves and attends nearly every event at church! And a big thanks to Art V. who generously lent his home to us.

Change in travel plans

Thank you for your prayers for safe travel. On our separate trips back from Sydney, Australia, we were both surprised and blessed to be placed in first class. We were also placed in first class on our trips back from Peru.

Unexpectantly, I (Patti) came down with a bad flu and fever that kept me from making the trip out to the jungle as planned. Pray with me as I hope to return to Peru in April to make that same administrative trip.

Total solar eclipse

Cleveland is right in the path for the total solar eclipse due April 8th. We plan to stay put that date to be on hand for a display of God’s amazing work in the heavens.

Great updates on two grandchildren

Many of you have been praying for our grandson Jeremiah. In January, a biopsy revealed that he no longer has graft vs host issues from his bone marrow transplant. As a result, he has begun the process of weaning off the antirejection meds. Then, in February another biopsy showed he was completely free of any cancer cells! This is a HUGE praise! Jeremiah still has a long road ahead, but we thank God for these signs of improvement.

In baby Adeline’s case, praise God that the backflow problem with her one good kidney is not critical. The doctors are happy to let her keep growing before doing anything invasive to help. Thank you for your prayers for her, too!

Praise and Prayer Requests

Praise God for meaningful work to do and the health and strength to do it. Pray for attention to detail as Mark checks Scripture.

Praise for the opportunity to renew friendships and meet new people in our Wisconsin supporting churches. Praise God for the faithfulness of so many over so many years.

Praise for continued progress towards health and healing for both Jeremiah and Adeline. Continue to pray for more of the same.

We are so thankful for each of you! Thank you for your partnership with us. We hope that you are able to see God at work in and through you wherever you happen to be.

-Mark and Patti Bean