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  • 06/11/23

    The Great Day

    Throughout the Old Testament, we find an unfolding picture of God Almighty as the divine warrior appearing from heaven to ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 06/04/23

    At the Table with Jesus

    At the end of Luke 24, after walking with them to Emmaus and explaining the Scriptures concerning himself, Jesus shares ...

    Matt Ross
  • 06/04/23

    The Walk to Emmaus

    In Luke 24, Jesus reveals to his disciples how he himself is the central theme throughout all of Scripture–from the ...

    Matt Ross
  • 05/28/23

    Faith and Doubt

    In chapters one and two of Habakkuk, the prophet laments over the violence and evil surrounding him–admitting that he doesn’t ...

    Jon Cameron
  • 05/21/23

    Lessons from the Past

    In verses 11–13 of his epistle, Jude used three Old Testament examples and six stark word pictures to warn his ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 05/14/23

    Another Kind Word

    The second chapter of Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians is marked by a clear picture of pastoral care: the ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 05/07/23

    Marks of a Christian

    The opening chapter of 1 Peter points to three descriptions that mark the Christian life. We love Christ because of ...

    Colin Smith
  • 05/07/23

    The Cost of Following Jesus

    In Matthew 16, Jesus asks his disciples the most important question in a believer’s life: “Who do you say that ...

    Afshin Ziafat
  • 04/30/23

    Do Not Forget the One Who Set You Free

    In the second half of Deuteronomy 6, Moses warns against the pitfalls that deter believers from living the life God ...

    Mac Matthews
  • 04/30/23

    I Was Made to Love Him

    In Deuteronomy 6, Moses gives the Israelites the greatest commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your ...

    Mac Matthews