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  • 02/26/23

    The Letter of Jude

    The book of Jude is a brief letter written by one of Jesus’ half brothers to urge the early church ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 02/19/23

    God Judges Righteously

    In the closing verses of Psalm 139, David zealously prayed for the destruction of the wicked—then submitted himself to divine ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 02/12/23

    I Shall Not Be Shaken

    The people of God are never far from trouble and hardship, but regardless of our circumstances, we can say with ...

    Matt Ross
  • 02/12/23

    He Must Increase

    As the forerunner to Jesus, John the Baptist likens himself to the bridegroom’s friend, concluding, “He must increase, and I ...

    Chad Van Dixhoorn
  • 02/05/23

    Judgment and Peace

    How can God be in control when there is so much suffering in the world? In Nahum 1, we see ...

    Jon Cameron
  • 02/05/23

    A Message of Comfort

    The opening verses of Nahum describe God as jealous and vengeful, delivering divine justice through his righteous anger. Treacherous as ...

    Jon Cameron
  • 01/29/23

    The Mechanics of Justification

    We are all tempted to live by false doctrines of justification. A life marked by this approach is exhausting and ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 01/29/23

    The Meaning of Justification

    How can unrighteous people be made right before a righteous God? In Romans 3, the apostle Paul pronounces a bleak ...

    Dan Schillero
  • 01/22/23

    God Made Me

    Where were we before we were born, and where will we go after we die? In Psalm 139, David provides ...

    Alistair Begg
  • 01/15/23

    God is Everywhere

    Can we hide from God? The Bible contains many examples of people trying to do just that. In Psalm 139 ...

    Alistair Begg